Posted by : Unknown Thursday, 16 May 2013

Evening prayer is the best of prayer after the obligatory prayers, charity can be closer to him, bringing maghfirah His mercy and compassion as well as rise and His forgiveness. In other respects, the night prayers had a good influence on the physical. For people who are familiar prayers night means he has used his discipline, his body going in the morning was light, fresh and smart, fit and healthy can make his soul calm and clean. This is among the primacy of prayer or praying Tahajjud night.

1. Believers pray to uplift night maqam commendable patience and cultivate deep.
God's Word Subhaanahu wata'aala:
"And on most nights tahajjudlah pray you, as an additional prayer for you, your Lord may elevate you to a place that is commendable."

"So be patient (to implement) provisions of your Lord and do not follow those who sin, and those who  isbelieve among them. And call it the name of your Lord (at the time) in the morning and evening. "(Surat al-Insan, 76: 24-26)

2. Solemn evening prayer makes the spirit and calm and gave prowess and fluency in speaking the truth caused.

Subhaanahu wata'aala Allah says:
"O people covered. Wake up at night (for prayer), except for a slight (thereof), namely Half of or reduce slightly and Half of or fewer .. or add to it. Quran and read it slowly. Surely we will lose weight kapadamu words. Truly the rising by night is more appropriate (for solemn) and reading at that time more memorable. "(Surah al-Muzzammil, 73: 1-6)

3. Evening prayer can put a person into Jannah
Subhaanahu wata'aala Allah says:
"Verily those who fear Him it is in gardens surrounded by springs. They accept any gift from their Lord, because before that they always do good, even before they were a little sleep at night and always beg for forgiveness in the morning before dawn. "(Surat adh-Dzaariyat, 51: 15-18)

4. Evening prayer as a barometer of faith.
Subhaanahu wata'aala Allah says:
"Verily, those who truly believe in Our Signs are those who, when warned by the verses, they are immediately subject while prostrate, to glorify his Lord, they are far from the bed, they pray to his Lord with fear and hope, and they spend most of rizki which We have given them. "(Surat as-Sajdah, 32: 15-16)

5. Evening prayer inviting praise from God
God's Word I:
"And the servants of Allah the Merciful are those who walk on the earth with humble themselves, and when disturbed by the conversation of the ignorant, they responded with a good speech. The night they worship their Lord in prostration and with both feet. "(Surah al-Furqan, 25: 63-64)

6. Evening prayer is the habit of the righteous, the way Muraqabah ilallah, sin and heal the body of disease.
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
"Get it done the night prayer, for it is the habit of the righteous people before you were, as well as a way to draw closer to God, as a sin and can banish disease from the body."
(Reported by at-Tirmidhi - no: 3472; Fiqh Sunnah 1/169)

7. Increase the glory of a night prayer believers
As narrated that the angel Gabriel came to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam then said:
"O Muhammad, live as you please but shalt surely die, did according as you please but you must be repaid according to your deeds, love whoever you want, but engaku definitely leave him. Know that it is the glory of a believer lies in the night prayer and his greatness lies in ketidaktergantungannya to fellow human beings. "

(HR ath-Thabrani, Mu `jam al Ausath 4/306; Majma 'az-id Zawaa 10/219; Tarhiib at Targhiib wa at 1/243 & 333; Hilyat-ul-Auliyaa' 3/253; Fiqh Sunnah 1 / 169)

8. Subhaanahu wata'aala God forgives and grant the prayer of people who perform night prayers
Abu Hurairah ra said, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
"Our Lord, every night the world took to the skies on the last third of the night, and then he said," Those who pray to Me I surely grant me, whoever that appealed to me for sure I give, and anyone who asks forgiveness Me for sure I forgive. "

(HR Jama'ah, Bukhari - no: 1077, 6940; Muslim - no: 1261, 1262; Ahmad - no: 7303, 9922, Tirmidhi - no: 3420; Abu Dawud - no: 1120, 4108; Ibn Majah - no: 1356; Malik - no: 447; Daarimi ad - no: 1443; Fiqh Sunnah 1/172)

Amr bin Ash r.a said:
"I heard the Prophet n said," As close-close to the servant of God is in the middle of last night. So if you include people who remembrance of God at that time, then do it. "
(Reported by al-Hakim said, this hadith on the condition of Muslim, at-Tirmidhi said it Hasan Sahih Hadith, Fiqh Sunnah 1/172)

Abu Muslim said to Abu Dharr ra: "At the time of the evening prayer Which is more important? Abu Dhar said, "so I've asked the Prophet, then his saying,
"In the middle of last night, but the few who likes it."
(Reported by Ahmad with a good chain of transmission - no: 20575; Fiqh Sunnah 1/172)

From Jabir ra said: "I have heard the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said,
"At night time there is a moment, no one can find a Muslim then he asked God a universal good and the good of the Hereafter. And when it's on every night. "(Reported by Muslim - no: 1259; Ahmad - no: 13835, 14017)

Abu Sa'id and Abu Hurairah ra said, shallallallaahu Rasulullah 'alaihi wasallam said:
"If he wakes his wife to pray the night, then they pray two rak'ahs, then both are listed in the class of people who are always chanting."
(Abu Dawud - no: 1114, 1325)

Rasulullah SAW said:

"People will be gathered (on the Day of Resurrection) in a field (Mahsyar), then there was a call from a caller," Where are the people who had to leave his bed (for worship in the middle of the night)? "They then appear in the numbers presented to the little, then enter them into Jannah without reckoning. "41 Book an ad-diniyyah Nashaaih Washaaya wal al-Imaniyyah, Imam Habib Abdullah al-Haddad (Advice Testament Religion and Faith), pp. 134-137

9. Evening prayer has huge rewards.
It was narrated from Anas from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
"Prayer in the masjidku equal in value to ten thousand prayers, prayers at the Grand Mosque is worth a hundred thousand prayers, praying in the same battlefield with two million prayer. And more than all of that is two rak done by someone servants at midnight. "HR Abu Shaikh and Ibn Hibban

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