Posted by : Unknown Thursday, 16 May 2013

Privileges Clause Thousand Dinar
paragraph thousand dinars name, this verse diamal by a servant who got this wisdom from the Prophet of Allah Khidhir when yachting at sea by saying thanks to charity this verse the slave gets the glory and become king.

This paragraph contains a thousand avail if a resume practicing every prayer time off as much as three times, insha'Allah will receive one thousand profit, charitable whoever this verse Allah Almighty will hold for him a way out of every difficulty, Allah ta'ala will give sustenance a lot with not expect him and Allah Ta'ala convey all his business, with charitable intent and faith in God, all sheltered than reinforcements on land and at sea.

If this verse is read to the person who is sick 3 times and was blown to the pesakit and incantations to 3 times as much water given to drink, insha'Allah the pesakit will recover.

If got any very severe distress, distress kerana injustice greedy people, by the war caused by the enemies of the State, beramallah always with this paragraph rather than after the five daily prayers, hopefully all the trouble to get protection from Allah Ta'ala.

If go to war against the enemy, not destroyed by fire, if in time with no iron lut and not perish from the danger of any object, let charity this verse and sole trust in God, read this paragraph after the five daily prayers, read when going to bed three times , read this verse when they wanted to leave the house at least three times.

This is what the verse reading a thousand dinars:

"Waman Yattaqillaha Yaj'allahu Makhrajan Yarzuqhu Min Wa La Yahtasib haithu. Waman Yatawakkal 'Allahi Fahuwa Hasbuh. Innallaha Balighu Amrihi QAD Ja'alahullahu Likulli Syaiin Qadra."

Which meant: ".. And Anybody who fear Allah (by doing and leave the prohibitions his behest), Allah will hold him nescaya way out (of all things that bothered), (2) And give him sustenance of the road that are not crossed his heart and (Remember), Anybody roundly surrender to Allah, then Allah is sufficient for him (for help and save her). Surely God is still doing all things that pleases. God telahpun determine the level and period of validity for all things. "(Surah At Talaq verses 2-3)

Paragraph thousand dinars a second and third verses of surah at Talaq. Told bahawa a merchant has to pay as much as a thousand dinars to get this verse. Dikhabarkan been in many a merchant bahawa history has survived from splashing on the way home from the trade, with the permission of Allah. This merchant ships, however drift waves struck but only he who terselamat of a disaster. There are many more stories where this verse when practiced earnestly and whole-confidence will produce results that have never imagined.

There are a lot of prominence when practiced, the most important is:
- Read when in distress and wanted help and strength of Allah SWT.
- Read if they have or want to make a decision in a state sole trust in Allah against what nevertheless reciprocal of the decisions made.
- Eliminate concerns if read in a state of upset and anxious.
- Read when the vehicle should be above so as to arrive at the destination or as capable.
- Dimurahkan sustenance when in a state of distress and given instructions as well as the way out with the unexpected.
- Protected from catastrophic reinforcements on land and at sea.

There are some good time to repeat this dhikrullah:

- Each finished praying at least 3 times.
- Every morning and evening.
- Each before and after waking.
- Every time I leave the house.
- Each before any work commences.

Although it was always encouraged to be in a state of berwuduk, reciting Koranic verses on the lips is not required in the circumstances berwuduk. For those who are in a state of great berhadas example in a state of menstruation and so on, they may continue to remembrance. If anxiety did in his own heart so didengari ear.

May we be Muslim and Muslimah better with memories that do not drop to Allah SWT. Indeed Quranic verses are very powerful if practiced daily basis. Besides verse thousand dinars, many other verses that may be practiced include a short paragraph basmalah. Key to this practice is blessed do it with sincerity and continuous so that he became friends sebati our hearts as Allah SWT says:

"Those who believe it (perfect faith) are those who when called name of God (and His attributes) gementarlah their hearts and when recited to them verses, making them increase their faith in God and the step that they surrender. "(Al-Anfal Verse 2)

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