Posted by : Unknown Thursday, 16 May 2013

"So had he not among those who remember Allah much. Surely he would have stayed in its belly till the Day of Resurrection. "(Ash-Shaffat: 143-144)

Praise be to Allah, the Lord sekelian nature. Invocation and greetings for the noble lord Prophet Muhammad SAW family and the friends and followers of the king obey constancy to the Day of Resurrection.

In the Koran there is a U.S. story of Jonah which may be used as teaching and if in prayer instill Jonah as God will remove the Servant of distress or calamity that befell or in the language of today's moments of anxiety (emergency) but it is necessary to an individual believer, together we follow the story of Jonah as may we come keredhaan Allah until the Day of Judgment.

Truth name is Jonah as Jonah the son of Mata or Zun Nun. Sire is a noble prophet sent by God to his people. Majesty advising them and guiding them to the path of truth and goodness; king reminded them of the magnitude of the Day of Judgment and scare them with hell and promising them heaven; king ordered them with kindness and invite them to worship only Allah SWT.

Jonah a U.S. always advises his people but no one among them who believe. Came one day to the Prophet Jonah where the king felt the decision of his people. His heart was filled with anger against his People kerana they do not believe. Then the king came out in anger and assign them to leave. Allah tells it in his words:

"And (remember) Zun Nun (Jonah), when he left in anger, and he thought that We would not narrow it down (troubling) then he cried in a very dark: 'There is no god but You, Glory to Thee. Really I am among those who do wrong. "(Surah al-Anbiya 'verse 87)

No one who knows the inner feelings of Jonah as other than Allah. Jonah a U.S. quite angry with his people kerana their reluctance to believe in Allah SWT. In such circumstances, the king left his people.

His Majesty went to the waterfront and boarded the ship to move it to another place. Allah SWT has not issued his decision to tell the king left his people. Prophet Jonah as bahawa thought God may not reduce her sentence was kerana he left his people. When Jonah was a U.S. seemed to forget bahawa a prophet instructed only to preach in the way of Allah SWT. taufik and guidance of Allah it is right to give Him to Anybody who He wills. So, his only preaching in the cause of Allah and surrender completely victorious issue or not to God alone.

Summed up the story after the draw was made three times as much as the Prophet Jonah including passenger ships that will be dumped overboard due to deduct expenses for the ship when the sea bergeloran circumvent shipwreck.

Jonah a U.S. very surprised to find himself in the belly of the fish. The fish was brought to the bottom of the ocean and the ocean took him to the darkness of the night somewhere ...

Three darkness experienced by Prophet Yunus a U.S. namely:

1. darkness in the belly of the fish,

2. darkness on the ocean floor, and

3. the darkness of night.

Jonah a U.S. bahawa felt he had been dead. Sire senses and tried to move his limbs still moving. Then the king was still alive. Sire imprisoned in three darkness.

Jonah a U.S. started crying and glorify Allah SWT. His Majesty began to travel towards God as king imprisoned in three darkness. His heart began to move to glorify God, and his tongue began to follow him. His Majesty said:

"Laailahailaanta subhanainni florets minazzalimin"

(There is no god but You, Glory to Thee. Indeed I am among those who do wrong.)

When imprisoned in the belly of the fish, the king still glorify Allah SWT. The fish itself was pretty much swimming. Then the fish was asleep on the ocean floor. Meanwhile, Prophet Yunus as still glorify Allah SWT. Majesty endlessly glorify and crying. Majesty was not eating, not drinking, and did not move. Sire fasting and breaking beads.

Other fish and plants and all living creatures on the ocean floor heard the Prophet Jonah beads. The rosary comes from the belly of the whale. Then all the creatures gathered around the whale and they had come to glorify Allah SWT. Each of them glorify way and its own language.

Whale that ate Jonah woke up and heard the voices of prayer beads so boisterous and roaring. He saw in the bottom of the ocean there is a huge celebration attended by fish and other animals, even rocks and sand all to glorify God and he did not miss participate with their hymn to God. And he began to realize he was being swallowed bahawa a prophet.

Allah Almighty saw the sincerity of repentance as the Prophet Jonah God heard his beads in the belly of the fish. Allah then commanded the fish lowered to issue Yunus as to the sea surface and dispose of it in an island which is determined by Allah SWT.

The fish was also obey the divine command. Jonah body a U.S. feel the heat in the belly of the fish. Sire is sick tenat, then the sun was shining and the heat of his body touches. Allah then grow trees Yaqthin (type of squash), namely a tree whose leaves are wide that can protect from the sun. And Allah heal and forgive. Allah told bahawa if not kerana nescaya rosary was saying he would remain in the belly of the fish until the Day of Resurrection.

Allah Almighty says it means: "Verily beriar Jonah was one of the apostles. (Remember) when he ran to the laden ship, then he took lots and he was among those who lost the lottery. Then he was swallowed by a big fish in a deplorable state. So that if he had not included people who remember Allah much, nescaya he would have stayed in its belly till the Day of Resurrection. Then We cast him into a barren area, while he was ill. And we grow a tree for her type of pumpkin. And We sent him to a hundred thousand people or more. And they believed, because they were We gave them to the pleasures of life for a certain time. "(Surah as-Saffat verses 139-148)

His words that mean again: "And (remember) Zun Nun (Jonah), when he left in anger, and he thought that We would not narrow it down (troubling) then he cried in a very dark: 'There is no god but You, Glory to Thee. Really I am among those who do wrong. We then granted (prayer) and we save those who believe. "(Surah al-Anbiya 'verse 87-88)

We now want to discuss the issues referred to by scholars as the sins of the prophet Jonah. Is Jonah commit a sin in the true sense, and whether the prophet is innocent? The answer is: The prophet is a person who is not infallible but infallibility bahawa bererti they do not do something that you think that Allah is a weakness that needs to be punished as a teaching not kerana Allah's wrath.

Jonah was a prophet sent by Allah to them. Should he convey da'wah in the way of Allah and he does not care about the results of his preaching. Task simply convey religious king. The exit of the king of his people in a state home their kufr is prohibited but a revelation than Allah like Prophet Lut as at the exit point than his hometown kerana Allah wants to destroy it.

Allah SWT gives a lesson to Jonah in his preaching on the street. Allah sent him to preach only. This is the king's limits and do not need preaching falter if they do not believe and should not be angry with them kerana instructions and guidance is an absolute right of Allah SWT.

Allah Almighty says it means: "And why is there not a resident of the city of faith, and faith is beneficial to him, except the people of Jonah? When they (the people of Jonah's) faith, we get rid of them a humiliating punishment in the life of the world, and we give pleasure to them until a certain time. "

(Surah Yunus verse 98)

Come together we took iktibar than the story of Jonah as This bahawa every believer who became preachers of Islam mesej convey necessary work to humans in a way that wisdom. If they do not follow it we do not get mad mahu them kerana them to accept Islam or not it is their business to Allah SWT. Our job is only convey it. Taufik and guidance it is the absolute right of Allah, and He will give Anybody He wills. We should pray to Allah may Allah SWT be careful opening their doors to faith in Him.

Fadhilat prayer / rosary Jonah a U.S. during fish trapped in the belly of Nun.

Word of the Prophet SAW mean:

"Whoever has any intent, let him berwuduk, then bow down to Allah, while reading Jonah beads 40 times with his index finger means facing the Qiblah when he fell down. Indeed Anybody who do so will be allowed prayers and requests. "

Word of the Prophet SAW mean:

"Actually I know one sentence that, when read by those who are overwritten reinforcements or distress, Allah will remove the reader from distress. The sentence is my prayer beads as the Prophet Jonah

"La ilaha illa anta inni subhaanaka kuntu minazzholimiin."

(There is no god but You, Glory to Thee. Indeed I am among those who do wrong.)

Walaubagaimanapun prayer along with business kerana let it human nature and if praying along with a little effort from God willing we will terselamat something more excessive calamity of being again.

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